Would you bring luck into someone’s life?

Some of us are born lucky. With loving parents, in a nice shiny castle, having all what our hearts desire.

Some of us are born lucky. With loving parents, in a nice house or a flat, having at least the basics to keep us satisfied.

Some of us are less lucky.  Maybe we have only one parent or an auntie or uncle or grandparents that take care of us. A small house or a small flat. Not so much money but still something to keep us going. But we are still lucky. For we have somebody that still cares for us.

And some of us are born and left alone in the world. With nobody to care of us. We are the orphans. We have no home, we have no parents, we have no aunties, uncles or grandparents to care that we even exist. But still some of us are lucky. Because we get adopted.

If you sit comfortably in your house right now, on a nice and soft sofa, think about this. Think about being born and being an orphan. To not have a mother or a father to care for you.  Your only chance in life is to be adopted.

But now think about this. You are not only orphan but you also have a health problem. A permanent one, for life. Who would adopt you now?

Would you adopt a child with a disability?

A good question. A hard answer. Or maybe an easy one.

But there are people that do care and gives us the possibility to be lucky and to to think about bringing luck in somebody’s world.

I hope this video will inspire you. 🙂



2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Ramona Pop
    Jul 29, 2013 @ 16:12:41

    Such a beautiful family! :).even if they have problems and big ones, not like us the fortunate people to have a mother and a father, health.. they still live their life smiling,maybe with more optimism then us…this video made me think that we should be more grateful for our family, health and all the good things that happens to us….Being grateful for our lifes, we can help unfortunate people to smile again or maybe for the first time in their life, but not the last..
    Thank for sharing this happy telegram with us 🙂


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